Creative Community Sponsorships


Project RestART: Creative Community Sponsorships

Project RestART is an initiative geared to supporting and sustaining Baltimore’s cultural economy through an equitable lens. The creation of the initiative is a direct action to re-stimulate the cultural economy and to address some of the challenges caused by Covid-19.

Project ReStart’sCreative Community Sponsorships will be awarded to local Black creatives who are interested in creating cultural experiences open to the public. Only projects which provide paid opportunities to local Baltimore artists will be considered.

What is a Creative Community Sponsorship?

A Creative Community Sponsorship is funding that assists Black curators with curating cultural experiences in Baltimore City that center Black creatives. There are three tiers of sponsorship.

General Eligibility

  • Curators must be 18 years of age or older (or have an adult ally)

  • Cultural experience must take place in Baltimore City.

  • Priority is given to Black curators.

  • Individuals only, not businesses or organizations

    General Requirements

    • Curators must include Black Arts District logo on all promotional materials

    • Curators will be asked to submit a short final report 

    • Activities must be open to the general public

    The following are INELIGIBLE uses of funds:

    • Sponsorships cannot be used directly to purchase alcohol

    • No day-to-day expenses associated with the running of a for-profit business, including but not limited to LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp, etc. 

    • No capital improvements or acquisition of capital assets 

    • No contributions to any persons who hold, or are candidates for, elected office or Lobbying activities 

    • Expenses for which the applicant has already been awarded funds by BAD

    • Black Arts District employees and Board Members are not eligible to receive sponsorships.



These $500 Creative Community Sponsorships are given out at our monthly artist fairs that currently take place every 3rd Tuesdays at New Song Community Learning Center. The Black Artist Fair Monthly Series is where you can network, learn valuable information, and of course, win $500 via a raffle form to bring your envisioned cultural experience to life.

There is no limit to the number of Tier 1 sponsorships you can secure in a calendar year. You must be present at the time of the drawing.

Frequency: Monthly (In-person)

Limits: No Limit

Other Requirements: Event must take place by November of 2024.

Process: To secure a Tier 1 sponsorship you must attend a Black Arts District training. You must be present to win. You submit your name and information, and winners are randomly drawn. Winners are then given a form to submit complete details for payment.

Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to stay updated about the artist fairs.




These $1,000 Creative Community Sponsorships are dispersed monthly. Experiences of all types accepted. Cultural experiences located within the footprint of the Black Arts District have highest priority. The next priority are experiences in 21217. Events that do not fall in the previously mentioned categories will be first come, first served. Themed months are an exception and are selected by BAD Programs Team and guest panelists.

The application deadline is rolling; however cultural experiences must occur within the month that you apply for. 

Frequency: Rolling Monthly (online 45 days or more from start of the event’s month)

Limits: 2 per calendar year

Other Requirements: Event must take place in the month the event is approved for.

Themed Months: months not listed are open for any type of cultural experience

  • March: prioritize cultural experiences celebrating Black women

  • July: prioritize cultural experiences that are geared towards or curated by youth (ages 15-24)

  • October: prioritize cultural experiences celebrating Black queer folx.




The $5,000 Creative Community Sponsorships are designed to support the sustainability and growth of cultural weekly or monthly event series in West Baltimore, with priority being given to those in 21217. The selected curators will be eligible to be a part of a special Creative Sponsorship Program cohort that opens once a year.

As part of the cohort they receive special support, such as professional development, additional sponsorship opportunities, networking opportunities and marketing and promotion

Frequency: Applications Closed

Limits: If awarded, you become ineligible for Tier 2 but still eligible for Tier 1 sponsorships

Other Requirements:

  • Series must

    • Have been operating at least monthly, for at least 10 months in the year

    • Have been operating for at least 6 months prior to application

    • Take place in West Baltimore

    • Be in person and open to the public

    • Have a history of supporting Black creatives

    • Have a public presence (internet, signage, flyers)

    For more information about all Creative Community Sponsorships, email